Barrington Andrew Ely - Born November 13, 1952

Barry Ely
Barry & Jennie

Barry got married to a very nice lady named Jacqueline Ely.  They have two children together. Sadly it turned into a loveless marriage, probably due to Barry’s affinity to mess with other women.  In Barry’s early 20s, he lived above a butcher’s shop which was next to a green grocer.  He was stabbed multiple times by the shop-keeper next door who was upset that Barry was always messing with his wife.  

Even though Barry’s morals are questionable, I always got on well with him.  In 2013, I volunteered to create a website for him as the website he had was appalling and unprofessional.  It was created by Barry and his nephew.  It was an embarrassment to what was a quality car sales and service operation.  I spent over a week working on it and I did it entirely for free.  I maintained, hosted and upgraded it for 7 years for free,  until September 29, 2020 when I received notices from his and Martin’s attorney that they were seeking to throw me out of my house. That website earned Barry tens of thousands of pounds; which is why when I shut it off, he had to pay another professional developer to create a new site; which is not very good and has multiple broken links.

A typical exchange with Barry 18 months after the death of my father is typified by the following exchange:

February 26, 2020

Me: ‘Dad died 18 months ago and all I have had from you since then is that nobody wants to screw me except dad. Martin never did anything to influence dad, blah blah. Despite me being the only one dad spent real time with, it was dad that wanted me out of his will and you 3 should get everything. Now you want me to pay the balance of the loan to you Martin and Christine so you can make even more money from dad’s estate while I get nothing and continue to get screwed by you all. You’ve told me what dad must have been thinking in why he wanted to screw me out of any inheritance when you have no idea at all. You keep saying “well, I’ll talk to Martin” and you don’t achieve a thing. I decided against suing the estate so that it wouldn’t screw you, Martin and Christine out of your inheritance and yet I still feel like you’re all screwing me.
We spoke 2 weeks ago, and you said you’d talk to Martin (about you wanting me to send $40,000 before you’d consider assigning the title of my house to me) and of course nothing… The only time I hear from you is when you need something on your website. What incentive do I have to help you when you do F all for me?’

Barry: I have spoken to Martin at length

Me: Nice of you to let me know

Barry: I still need to speak further with him to try and resolve all this but he is not at all happy about being accused of influencing Dad

Me: I want my house title and the rest of you can have all the rest. I have done nothing but try and help and get screwed in return. Martin’s feelings are hurt despite him wasting tens of thousands in his Fort Smith fuck up… He needs to grow up

Barry: You seem to think that I am complicit in try to screw you. I am trying to sort things with Martin but he is very stubborn and angry

Note:  Martin had advised me that the whole estate was worth a lot less than £100,000.  That was always a lie and Martin new it because he had power of attorney over all of the father’s finance for the last 2 years of his life.  I had to purchase online the UK probate document that reveal that there were liquids assets in excess of £180,000 in the UK alone.  

Barry is an excellent business man but lousy husband.  He had a workshop in Leyton, London and had an affair with a 19 year old girl.  He paid for a flat for her near his workshop so that he could visit her whenever he liked.  The affair got oppressive and she dumped him but he dusted himself off and returned to his usual ways.

The site of Barry’s old car site. Now a car wash.
Jennie - Since 2015

Jenny and Barry have had a long affair.  Jenny wanted to move in with Barry but he was in the process of buying a 5 acre property in Maldon, Essex.  I pleaded with Barry to patch things up with Jacqui (his wife) and get her to move with him to the new house.  His family was more important that his affair.  He did actually do that but he continued the affair with Jennie.  He has ‘an apartment’ in his car sales site.

Barry and Sandra

The true love of Barry’s early marriage was Sandra Rossi, a bank executive.  

June 28, 1999 – Email from Sandra Rossi:
Hi Chris,
When Barry and I were living together at the flat, your Dad turned up after a sailing trip of about 3 weeks and Barry suggested he might like to take a bath STRAIGHT AWAY while I cooked something for him!!!
Glad you are getting your Dad into the 20th century before we move into the 21st – this is no mean feat!  Talking of feet (ouch) I would prefer not to think about the “ripe” socks!!  Perhaps I’d better not send your Dad my regards, even if he does still remember me.  I’ll never forget (and I’m sure you’ll remember this too) that the first time I met your Dad, having been left alone with him for 3 hours or so while Barry went to see his boys, your Dad said to me, “Well, you must love him, after all, he’s no oil painting, is he?”  Barry has never been allowed to forget this, of course.
    Well, I must go – talk again soon.
    Love, Sandra
Barry lives a very lavish lifestyle at his 5 acre property in Maldon